Scholarships and Loan Programs for Japanese Students

The scholarship loan program is for outstanding students who are experiencing financial crisis. This program provides loans that cover school expenses to brilliant students. Students attending the following higher education institutions in Japan that are set up on the basis of the Japanese School Education Law are eligible for this program-
  • Graduate schools
  • Universities
  • Junior colleges
  • Colleges of technology
  • Professional training colleges

Types of Loans

Category 1 loans (Interest free): Students of graduate schools, universities, colleges of technology, junior colleges, professional training colleges and Students registered before April 2004 to upper secondary schools or high schools or upper secondary courses of professional/specialized training colleges are eligible for the Category 1 loan program. 

Category 2 loans (With Interest after graduation): Graduate schools, universities and junior colleges students, 4th and 5th year students of colleges of technology and professional training college students are eligible for category 2 loans.

Selection Ways and Means 

Students whose applicants have been recommended by their school presidents are evaluated. The final selection call is based on the curriculum vitae, academic abilities and skills, health and family financial condition. 

Loan Period

The Japan Student Services Organization sanctions a loan till the total duration of the study at the school attended. The amount is paid to an account maintained in the receiver's name, at a bank, credit union or labor credit association. The monthly payment starts after the school year starts.

Loan Amounts

For Category 1 loans: The loan amount is classified based upon the level/grade or kind of school, year of commencing loan and form of attendance at school.

For Category 2 loans:  There are 4 types of monthly loan amounts from which the recipient can choose from

Loan Repayments

Repayments are automatically deducted after graduation either every month or after an interval of six months. The number of repayment instalments depends upon the loan size.

Exemption from Repayment

Exemption from repayment is given upon request if the following conditions are satisfied-

Category 1 loans (interest-free):
  • Due to death, physical or mental impairment, you’re not able to make the repayment.
  • A graduate student who has got an excellent result in his studies is exempted, either partially of fully from repayment when the loan period is complete.
Category 2 loans (low-interest):
  • Due to death, physical or mental impairments, the recipient is exempted from repayment of loan.

Postponing Repayments

Loan repayments can be put off due to a disaster/Calamity, illness or injury, or if the student is still studying at school.
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